The Eleventh Scroll (Chronicles of a Magi) Read online

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  “Have any idea where that might be?”

  “They are of age so they do not have to tell us pile, and they did not.”

  “Okay, thank you. You may leave. Oh, if I am correct, you already finished your shifts for today?”

  They both waved their right hands. “We are both on first shift. Why do you ask?”

  “If you had not, I was going to give you the stone for today.”

  Jamal said, “That’s enough for here,” and started heading out.

  They went back down the steps and took the road going down on the fifth level. They came to a spot where the mountain face beside the road was a flat vertical surface extending up to the next level of the road. Carved deeply in the stone were many messages such as: From the Sea acquires the best fish, The Spice Village has every flavor known to exist, Herd and Barn Supplies is the answer to your problems, and many more.

  When they turned to continue their journey, they were in a different place. It was a desert at the base of a tiered mountain. The mountain levels weren’t as defined as they were at The Seventh Mountain, but they were definitely there. There was no wall delineating the boundary between the school grounds and regions beyond. It was all just one flat desert as far as could be seen.

  Not too far away from where they were was a large gathering of the creatures. Jamal led them toward the group until they could hear what was being said. One of the creatures’ heads rose up above the crowd. It had obviously stepped up onto something so they all could see it.

  Jamal led and moved over the top of the crowd for a better view. The creature was indeed standing on something, a large wooden box. It waited for the crowd to settle down before speaking.

  “I know you have a lot of questions.”

  One from the crowd shouted, “Yeah, like why are we here and... where exactly is here?”

  “Well, you, all of you, are here to keep the dragon from having you killed. Anyone not living in the cities is being hunted down and killed, no questions asked. As to where this place is, I do not know if the explanation will make sense. It is sufficient to say it is sanctuary, a hidden place where he cannot find you. You can live here as long as you wish to. I know it isn’t much right now, but there are almost ten thousand of you. It will transform. If you wish to leave, just tell one of us and we will take you back. But to do so means they will hunt you and kill you when they find you.”

  Another creature called, “How did we get here?”

  “That is also difficult to explain. The technique is a hidden thing, something that can be learned but it is difficult to teach. Anyone that wishes to try to learn will be taught. Any of you that have ever had a spirit walking experience will have the best chance. I learned it by accident when I was spirit walking in what I thought was a dream while awake. I discovered that wake dreaming was the thing that must be learned first. All the hidden things you will discover possible begin with wake dreaming.”

  He looked the crowd over and another voice called, “Who are you and why should we believe you?”

  “I am Truth and Justice Warrior. I serve the One True God and stand against the dragon. He is not God.”

  He reached down and helped another creature up to stand beside him. “This is Small Gentle Creature of Early Light.”

  Cap’n Ben said, “Chenoa means Morning Dove.”

  That creature stepped down and another stepped up. “This is Beautiful One.”

  Cap’n Ben said, “Jamal means Beautiful One.”

  The next creature stepped up. “This is A Magnificent Female.”

  Cap’n Ben said, “That’s LeOmi.”

  “This is One Who Helps.”


  “This is Leader of Many by His Right Hand.”

  “Captain Ben,” Cap’n Ben smiled.

  “This is The Peoples’ Victory.”

  “And that leaves Nick.”

  James said, “Nothing new under the sun.”

  Chenoa asked, “Is God showing us our destinies?”

  Mark said, “I think it’s more than that. This is what happened before; but destiny is not based on people, it is based on events. We get to see some destiny points which will allow us to choose paths between our destiny points in order to help the most people.”

  Truth and Justice Warrior called, “That is a good question. For now, you are welcome to make your home here. This mountain is full of rooms and many moon cycles of rations and supplies have been laid in store. Those of you that wish to farm or ranch are welcome to stead a section of your choosing. If you have herds, tools or other things you wish to bring here, it will take time, but we can do that. In one moon cycle you should be familiar enough with each other to choose elders. We will start with ten and adjust it as needed. In the meanwhile, bring your concerns to one of the seven.”

  A voice called from the crowd, “How are you planning to fight the dragon?”

  “Truth and justice of course. We plan to start with letting the ones in the cities know what is going on. They do not know that their family members that left or chose not to come to the cities are being hunted and killed. They do not know that if they choose to leave the cities they will be killed. Any violation of the law means death. God does not work this way. The dragon is not God.

  “The ones still outside the cities do not know they are being hunted. We will find those we can, tell them what is happening and give them a chance to come here. Do not worry; there is plenty of room and provisions and we will be bringing in more. The more we can save, the better it is for everyone.”

  “What can we do?”

  “Turn this place into a community: care for each other, build farms, ranches and stores, learn as many of the hidden things as you can; and most of all, pray for God to lead you.”

  “How do we know you are telling us the truth?”

  A Magnificent Female and Small Gentle Creature of Early Light started toward the creature in the crowd.

  Truth and Justice Warrior shouted, “Hold!”

  The females stopped.

  “In your minds you may not be able to discern the truth, but in your heart and in your spirit you can. Pray for God to show you and He will.

  “Now, for anyone wishing to stake out a section, the fertile lands begin less than a morning’s walk in all directions except for that way,” he pointed toward where the Wasteland would have been at any of the mountains. “Supplies and rations are inside the mountain, first room to the right. When you have claimed a section, let one of us know and we will facilitate retrieving things from your old place.”

  The sun began moving quickly overhead again, passing day to night many times.

  Jamal said, “Let’s go.”

  Mark turned and saw they were back on the road to the city standing next to the billboard rock face. There was new carving on the wall in much smaller letters:

  Your loved ones that chose to live not in the city are being hunted and killed. God would not do this. The dragon is not God.

  Jamal led them through many more scenes in the vision all showing how Truth and Justice Warrior was rescuing creatures from attacks, teaching the hidden things to those wishing to learn, and slowly building an army. His exploits were becoming more and more of a nuisance to the lords of the dragon.

  Jamal led them to a large stone building surrounded by a large courtyard. The structure itself was made from carved stones laid together in courses several stories high. The porches surrounding the building were deep and made of flat stones. The columns supported a flat roof and were as tall as the building. Inside it was one huge room and the dragon sat on a throne on the far side. Twelve creatures were prostrate before it. The entire place was lighted with bright stones inlaid in the ceiling.

  The dragon spoke in a thunderous voice, “Speak.”

  Still prostrate, one of the creatures said, “Oh mighty god of all that is, we are but humble servants. We strive to do your will but are withstood on many occasions by the one known as Truth and Justice Warrio
r. He has a sword that none can defeat.”

  “His weakness is his compassion for those around him. Capture those and bait your trap. Bring him alive, and his sword, before me.”

  “By your will, oh Lord.”

  Jamal led them out to a high hilltop overlooking a wide valley. There were four boulder style houses there, each with smoke issuing from their sides. In the area around the houses were farm fields and a couple of corrals.

  Twelve creatures mounted on dino-back, all armed with swords and axes, crossed the hilltop beside them. They continued toward the nearest house. Jamal pointed and they saw other squads crossing the peaks in the distance. Each squad was approaching a different house.

  At the bottom of the hill many creatures, maybe as many as a hundred, appeared out of nowhere and began attacking the riders. It had to be Truth and Justice Warrior’s people attacking. Mark looked and saw the same thing happening to the riders in the distance.

  Suddenly the attackers below were surrounded by an army of more than a thousand soldiers. A loud voice cried, “Surrender or die!”

  The hundred attackers stopped, looked around, dropped their weapons and lay down on their backs exposing their bellies. They were promptly bound, hands and feet, then remanifested away. When this was done, the twelve mounted soldiers continued toward their original destination.

  The next place Jamal took them was back to the sanctuary mountain. Just inside to the left, the room that The Good Steward was in at The Seventh Mountain, was where Jamal stopped. Truth and Justice Warrior was there with his six companions and they were eating.

  A breathless creature ran in, “It was an ambush. They captured everyone and sent me to tell you. They want you to turn yourself in so they will not kill them all.”

  Truth and Justice Warrior started heading for the door.

  The creature that ran in said, “They are holding them in a cave. I can take you there.”

  “That is not where I am going.”

  A Magnificent Female said, “Wait, we will go with you.”

  “Stay here, it is too dangerous and it is something I must do myself.”

  Jamal followed him out and when he remanifested the group went with him. They were at the dragon’s temple. Truth and Justice Warrior walked up to the nearest column and sliced it with an upward diagonal stroke. The top section of the column slid down and crumpled on the ground behind him as he trotted to the next column and did the same thing. He started making his way around the temple column by column.

  It didn’t take long for the dragon to open the door and exit. It rounded the corner in pursuit of the one destroying its temple. Jamal moved to follow it.

  When it spotted Truth and Justice Warrior it stopped and one of its heads reared back then slashed forward. A tongue of fire issued from its mouth toward the creature.

  Truth and Justice Warrior opened his mouth and a tongue of fire issued and intercepted the dragon’s fire. He slammed his staff back together and yelled, “Let my people go!”

  The dragon laughed.

  “Henceforth,” cried the young warrior, “the heavens are closed. There shall be no rain on your lands or your cities. Your people shall die a cruel death of thirst and hunger. They shall cry out that you are an evil god and shall worship you no more. Ruin shall be your epitaph and your cities a pile. You will say to them that this is not by your hand and they will say you are no god.”

  “I will kill you!”

  “Still, the rains will not come. And I know that to kill me is to forfeit. Let my people go!”

  “Your people are forfeit.”

  He raised the staff over his head and said, “Bring forth a mighty wind to destroy this temple.” He lowered the staff, cried “Let my people go!” and remanifested.

  A tornado touched down and began tearing the temple apart.

  Jamal led them away and back to the mountain where Truth and Justice Warrior was having a meeting with his six team members.

  “The angel Healing of God came to me in a dream last night.”

  Cap’n Ben said, “That’s what Raphael’s name means.”

  “The dragon is angry. He intends to capture me and take the staff for himself. He is intrigued by the reports of its ability.” He produced the staff, split it apart, tinkered with the base of the sword and removed it from its mount. He handed it to A Magnificent Female and said, “Take it to a mountain and hide it well. The dragon must not acquire it.”

  Beautiful one asked, “What will you do without the sword? How can you win without it?”

  “It is not my purpose to win. It is my purpose to do what One True God wants. My fate is to bear witness and prophesy. The dragon cannot kill me and I can help many people turn from the dragon.”

  Small Gentle Creature of Early Light said, “You are planning to surrender!”

  He waved his right hand slightly. “I must prophesy to the people in the cities, bear witness of the atrocities of the dragon and provide hope for salvation from him.

  “Healing of God has shown me the vastness of the world and it is bigger than you can dream. He has told me of the dragon’s plan to make all people turn away from One True God, utterly. They will then be slaves serving his will alone. One True God will not permit this; He will destroy the world with fire if all turn to the dragon.”

  The People’s Victory said, “We have thousands of people here; surely they know the truth and will remain faithful.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. All the people in the cities have an easy life now and they remember how difficult farm and ranch life was. They have an abundance of food, live in adequate places that they did not have to build, do not have to maintain, sufficient activities to keep them entertained, schools where they learn new and better things, treatment of diseases and ailments, easy access to anything they need and in most cases anything they desire. All the dragon has to say is, ‘What did that other God do for you?’ How many people do you think will turn without a second thought?”

  One Who Helps said, “Many will turn, but not all.”

  “Healing of God said that the next phase will be branding. Regular people will receive a brand on their right hands; his lords will be branded on the forehead. Those refusing the brand will be beaten and exiled with nothing. He has stopped hunting and killing those not in the city. I think he does not want to anger me too much again.

  “Small Gentle Creature of Early Light, I want you to coordinate the rescue of these people. Do not bring them here; there will be spies among them seeking to find this place. Choose a secluded place as far away from the cities as you can locate. Get people from here to start building a community there.

  “One Who Helps, they will find this place eventually. Start training the people here in an escape plan. Get them ready as quickly as possible. If they want to choose to fight, tell them they will be killed. If they are dead, they cannot help the ones rescued and it is not what One True God wants.”

  One Who Helps asked, “Why not move everyone out before they attack?”

  “The dragon’s lords need to believe this is where we sheltered the rescued ones and that we are now on the run.”

  “The People’s Victory, I want you to form some type of communication system so I can keep in contact with you.”

  The creature waved his right hand and said, “Easy enough; have any preferences?”

  “I will leave that up to you. I will be searching out other ideas on how to defeat the dragon, so whatever you come up with will have to be kept secret since I need to communicate what I find.”


  “Beautiful One, I need you to be a voice in the wilderness. There are many in the world still in hiding. I want you to go wherever people gather and talk to them. Tell them what you know about what is coming. Call for Healing of God in your dreams and he will talk to you. That goes for all of you.”

  “Leader of Many by His Right Hand, Healing of God asked me to choose a strong one to gather and lead a team into the mountains to wait.
You will encounter others along your path. Test them by asking which deity they follow. Choose the followers of One True God to accompany you. Reject the others and be wary of their actions. Kill them only if you have to.

  “A Magnificent Female, turn yourself in after you have hidden the sword. Your voice is also needed to witness and prophesy. Along your path, you will encounter a pool of water. You will know it when you find it. Submerse yourself in it completely and you will be blessed and empowered to speak what One True God wills.

  “You have your assignments; they are what One True God wants. Remain steady and know this is your true path. Do not waver. It is time for me to go.” He started walking toward the door.

  Small Gentle Creature of Early Light asked, “Do you have time to have a meal with us before you go?”

  He turned and answered, “I suppose I do.”

  Jamal led them out.

  * * *

  When Mark opened his eyes, he was lying on his side but his hand was still on Jamal’s staff. His body ached and felt drained. He tried to sit up and didn’t have the strength.

  Samantha’s voice called, “They’re awake. Bring the horses.”

  He looked at his hands; they were badly sunburned. The others around him were lying over too. He could see some of their faces inside their hoods, all sunburned and their lips were dry and cracked. He touched his face and felt searing pain. His licked his lips; they were dry and cracked too. He tried to sit up again and his arm collapsed.

  It was early morning but it was beginning to get hot. From what he could see there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. He saw his guards leading the horses toward them and tried to sit up again. He failed again.

  Samantha said, “Don’t try to sit up. We’ll get you to the other side of the wall and you can use healing oil then.” She pulled his hood back, poured some water on his head and neck and held a water bottle to his lips. “Just a little, you haven’t had anything for three days. You don’t want to puke.”

  He sipped, spat and sipped again, this time swallowing. He knew she was right; he’d learned that in his rescue classes. His stomach needed to cool down slowly and acclimate itself for activity. Too much water would cool it down too quickly and trigger the regurgitate reflex.