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The Eleventh Scroll (Chronicles of a Magi) Page 20

  It looked strange to see his team dressed in orange coveralls, wearing yellow hardhats and their faces toned light brown. At a glance, they did look like typical dockworkers there. His team wore brown contact lenses and they’d even dyed their hair black, including eyebrows, to fit in.

  The festival lasted a little over an hour. As soon as it was over, everyone went to the boats and barges and began lining them up next to the city-ship.

  As they boarded a barge, Mark pointed at the ship and said, “It is a bit unusual to make an underwater ship fortress. Do you have any idea about its history?”

  “Korean turtle ships were very effective at battling the Japanese invasion. That inspired him to build a very big turtle ship. He kept adding on until the lower part was totally underwater. He worked out the difficulties and kept building.”

  “How does he pay for it?”

  “No one knows: alchemy, secret gold mine? Whatever it is, no one has ever complained about not being paid.”

  It took over an hour before the barge they were on pulled up to the third of four loading hatches. This particular barge was loaded with 100-kilogram bags of rice. Each of the other dockworkers hoisted one over their shoulders, walked to the gangplank and boarded the city-ship. Mark and his team followed their lead. It was all he could do to lift one of the bags. It didn’t help when rice powder puffed from the bag covering his arms and face when it landed on his shoulder.

  Lo Shon didn’t pick up a bag. Instead, he took out a bamboo rod and walked beside them, yelling at his team in Mandarin, “Faster! Faster! You shame your family.” As they crossed the gangplank, Lo Shon struck Mark across the back just below the end of the sack. “If you drop that bag, I will send you back to your mother, you worthless kitten!”

  Mark followed the dockworkers in front of him and deposited the bag onto a pallet as they did.

  Just as the bag fell into place, Lo Shon brought the rod down across his forearms. “You will move this pallet to where it needs to go.”

  One of the nearby ship’s crew said, “We will move the pallet.” He pointed to several other crewmen standing nearby. They were all wearing cotton shirts with thin horizontal black stripes and black trousers.

  “This worker is slow and weak. He needs to be disciplined. He will move the pallet, unless it is forbidden.”

  The crewman smiled, “I understand. He will move the pallet.” He motioned for another crewman with a pallet jack to come over. “Show this worker where to stow this pallet.”

  Lo Shon said, “Beat him if he dawdles.”

  The crewman put the jack under the pallet, pumped it twice and said, “Follow me.”

  The smell of sulfur grew stronger as they went farther into the ship. When they came to a hall with a steep decline, the crewman said, “Turn the knob a little until the pallet touches the floor then turn it back. That will keep it from rolling over you. Adjust it again if you need to.”

  “Xiexie,” Mark said as he adjusted the drag on the pallet.

  When they reached the supply hold, the crewman directed him where to place the cargo. He followed the instructions and then faced the crewman. “You have something on your forehead.” He pointed while surreptitiously putting a drop of healing oil on the finger of his other hand.

  The crewman wiped his forehead with his sleeve and looked at Mark questioningly.

  Mark shook his head and said, “Let me get it.” He wiped the oil on the man’s forehead and caught him as he fell. He dragged him behind the stacks of supplies and exchanged clothes with him while listening to the sounds of other pallets being delivered. When the coast sounded clear, he pulled two boxes from the top of the stack over and let the contents spill over the crewman. He sat and lit one of Lo Shon’s incense sticks before entering Spirit Sight.

  His spirit couldn’t move much past the stacks of supplies so he threw down a bug bomb. A moment later, he was able to move to the door. Evidently, the light breeze through the hall had cleared out enough of the bluebell-sulfur fumes that he could move freely.

  He turned left and went back the way he had come. There was still a line of dockworkers unloading the rice. He waited until his team boarded the city-ship again before moving to the mooring lines and slipping them from the cleats. The barge started moving away from the city-ship, dropping the gangplank into the water along with a couple of dockworkers.

  He went back to his body. The crewman, now in dockworker orange, was still unconscious. He dragged him onto the pallet jack and used it to take the crewman back to the loading area.

  He was met with quizzical looks from some crewmen when he arrived. He patted his head and said, “Box fell on him.”

  The crewmen chuckled and went back to watching the barge being retied to the city-ship.

  Lo Shon smacked Ray and the major with his rod. “Pick up, take him to the boat.”

  As soon as the gangplank was replaced, Ray and the major picked up the limp body and carried it to the barge. They went to the back, behind stacks of rice bags and remanifested away. A few minutes later, the rest of Mark’s team slipped behind the rice bags and remanifested away.

  * * *

  Ray and the major carried the still unconscious crewman through the herb shop and into the back room. They zip-tied him into a chair and sat on either side of him. A few minutes later, Lo Shon led the rest of Mark’s team into the room. Mark remained on the city-ship.

  Lo Shon went to a cabinet, returned with a stick of incense, lit it and set it on the table in front of the crewman. He took out the flask from earlier. “This smoke will make him want to talk and say what he truly thinks.” He took a swig from the flask. “This will counteract the effects on you.” He handed the flask to LeOmi. “If I could develop an incense that made people not want to talk, I would be rich. Just think of how many would want to use it on their mothers-in-law,” Lo Shon chuckled.

  LeOmi said, “I like my future mother-in-law. We’re friends in fact, and she doesn’t talk too much.”

  Lo Shon motioned for her take a swig. “This incense works well.”

  LeOmi took a swig and passed the bottle to Ray.

  Lo Shon put the dagger on the table. “Mark said there may be another weapon that would be effective against Xi Gong. I do not think this is true.”

  The major and Samantha spoke at the same time. “He has the Sword of God,” said the major.”

  Samantha said, “The Sword of God can cut through anything.”

  Ray passed the flask. “Better drink some before you give away any more secrets.”

  Lo Shon grinned, “Indeed!”

  Naomi said, “It is sharp, but I do not think it is that sharp.”

  Samantha said, “You had a replica.”

  “No, it was real. Why else would he seek to hide it in the throne room?”

  Samantha took a swig and passed it to Naomi. “That is a secret. Here, drink some.”

  The crewman moaned and his head came up straight.

  Lo Shon said, “Xi Gong is immortal, I tell you.”

  LeOmi said, “Well, even if he is, he still has to have body guards.”

  The crewman said, “He has no need of body guards,” as he moved his arms and realized he was strapped to the chair. “Why am I bound? Are you an enemy of Xi Gong? Hey, why am I wearing dockworker clothes? Are you going to torture me? Are you going to kill me?”

  Lo Shon said, “He is awake.” He leaned toward the crewman. “Something fell on your head. We brought you here for healing. You kept rolling off the table, so we put you in the chair so you would not get any more injuries.” He produced a small pocket knife and said, “I will cut your bonds if you think you will not fall over.”

  “I feel strange. Maybe you should leave them for a little while.”

  “That may be best. Tell me, why would you be inside Xi Gong’s ship? You were not supposed to go any farther than the loading area. And what happened to your hardhat?”

  He looked at the dockworker clothes he was wearing again. “I am
not a dockworker. I am crew. Why am I wearing dockworker clothes?”

  “You are crew? What, did a thief knock you out and steal your clothes?”

  “That makes sense. Xi Gong has vast treasures, but it is impossible for a thief to steal them. It is impossible for a thief to even get to them.”

  “Surely, a determined thief may succeed.”

  “No. It is impossible. The treasure room is well guarded and there are traps.”

  “An intelligent thief would suspect this.”

  “Even an idiot may suspect this, but it is no matter.”

  “What, does he have a dragon guarding his treasure?”

  “Not a dragon, a demon.”

  Lo Shon laughed, “That is funny. You expect me to believe that?”

  “No, really, he knows the demon’s name and can command it.”

  “Okay, say I believe you, which I do not, but just say I do. Where does he keep this demon?”

  “The demon takes the form of an animal and roams the ship. Everyone is afraid when it is near because sometimes it will eat someone. I think it gets bored.”

  “And it guards Xi Gong’s treasure while it roams the ship and eats people? Ha! This is a good story; I should write it down.”

  “It has an extra eye that it leaves in the treasure room. It sees everything in there, but nothing ever happens, so it gets bored and roams the ship.”

  “Ah ha, Xi Gong would keep his treasures close, in his room perhaps.”

  “Some, but there is too much.”

  “But the treasure room is close to his room.”

  “The treasure is very large. It is in the middle, down low to keep the ship straight. His room is on the top so he can see out.”

  Lo Shon held up his pocket knife again. “I think you feel better now. I will cut your bonds.” He motioned for LeOmi to help, “In case he is still wobbly.”

  Before standing, she put a drop of healing oil on her finger. When she stepped behind the crewman, she touched the back of his neck with the oil before placing her hands on his shoulders.

  Lo Shon cut the zip ties, the crewman stood, his head tipped forward and he collapsed back into the chair. They slid him out of the chair and laid him on the floor.

  LeOmi said, “I’ll go tell Mark.” She sat back in her seat and entered Spirit Sight.

  * * *

  Mark’s spirit was waiting for her in supply storage. “What’d you find out?”

  “The treasure room is low in the middle of the ship and some treasures are in Xi Gong’s room topside. The treasure is supposed to be guarded by a demon. Where’s your body?”

  “When they found me, I was using Spirit Sight. The bug bombs work by-the-way. They thought I was unconscious since I was laying under a bunch of stuff they thought fell on me. They took me to the infirmary.”

  “Everything looks like it is going good so far. Phase 2 will begin as soon as they’re done loading. Is there anything we should look out for?”

  “Nothing that we haven’t planned for. I did confirm that they do have divers in the water and a pretty tight patrol topside.”

  Mark’s spirit disappeared.

  “Hey, where’d you go?”

  There was no answer. Something must have happened to him.

  Back at the shop, LeOmi opened her eyes and said, “Something has happened to Mark. I was talking to his spirit and he just disappeared. He said his body was in the infirmary because they thought he was unconscious.”

  Lo Shon said, “They must have used something to wake him up.”

  Naomi said, “Maybe they realize he is an impostor. We’ve got to rescue him.”

  LeOmi said, “He can handle anything that happens. We need to stick to the plan.”

  Lo Shon said, “We do have to stick to the plan. My soldiers are not ready. It will be hours before they are finished loading. We should eat.” He started walking toward the door.

  Naomi said, “So you’re just going to abandon him?”

  Lo Shon stopped and didn’t face her. “Pei-Pei trained you, and like her, you have a narrow focus.” He continued out the door.

  * * *

  The slap stung. Mark opened his eyes and realized he was strapped to a gurney. An old man was standing over him, grinning. His face was incredibly wrinkled, his eyes were squinted, almost closed and a long, wispy beard and moustache hung from his face.

  “Xi Gong.”

  The old man’s voice squeaked, “You are intelligent, for a thief. You may have heard what I do to thieves.”

  “I must recover and hide the Eleventh Scroll. You have it and Benrah will get it.”

  “Who is this Benrah? I have never heard of him.” Xi Gong said, playfully, “He must not be very powerful.”

  “He is the son of Satan. You have heard of him.”

  “Ooooo, I’m so scared; perhaps I should give it to you so he will not attack.”

  “I do not think he will attack. He will just command your demon to bring it to him.”

  “Ahhh, you must be very brave, to be willing to face a demon. I’m sure it will find you delicious. Perhaps I should sell it to him?”

  “I’ll buy it from you.”

  “What can you offer that I do not already have?” He spun slowly, resting his elbows at his side, holding his palms up at shoulder level.

  “I don’t know. What is your price?”

  “I will consider my price. Take him to his room.”

  A crewman wheeled him out of the infirmary, down the hall, into an elevator that went down, then out into another hall. His room turned out to be a jail cell, one cage among many, most of which were unoccupied. The crewman left him tied to the gurney.

  * * *

  As soon as Mark’s team was out the door behind Lo Shon, Naomi ran a short distance, leapt into the air and started levitating toward the docks.

  LeOmi sat down on the sidewalk with her back against the wall. “I’ll get her.”

  She followed Naomi using Spirit Sight. She landed on the top of the city-ship beside a room-sized structure protruding above the deck. LeOmi went back to her body and remanifested behind Naomi.

  The metal cladding on the top was spiked with pencil-sized, bronze shafts spaced a hand’s width apart. She made a mental note to watch her footing.

  “You’re sabotaging the plan. Come back with me and let’s do this the right way. Believe me, Mark is in no danger.”

  “There is a demon!”

  The sound of swords being drawn sounded behind them.

  LeOmi turned and produced her sword. She said in Mandarin, “Six, you better go get some more.”

  They all smiled and the closest one said, “Ha ha, you are funny, little girl. Put that thing down before you get hurt.”

  “Ha ha, you have no idea who I am. I am Rainbow Dragon. You are defenseless against me.” She swiped her sword in front of her letting them see the rainbow as they all dropped their swords. “Flee in fear, little boys, or I will spank you and take you back to your mothers.”

  They all looked at each other in astonishment while slowly stooping to pick up their weapons. Once they were back standing, she swiped her sword again, and they all dropped their swords again.

  “I am Rainbow Dragon. Flee or be humiliated when this little girl defeats you.”

  They fled, leaving their swords behind and high-stepping all the way to avoid the spikes.

  She turned back to face Naomi and she was gone. She looked around both sides of the room protruding above the deck and didn’t see her. She moved around to the back of the room and found her on her hands and knees, searching.

  “What are you doing?”

  She touched the wall with the foot. “This is a door. See how the deck is worn smoother than the rest here? There has to be a way to open it. Help me find it.”

  Before LeOmi could step closer to grab her, Naomi knocked a spike to the side and the door opened.”

  LeOmi held her hand out to help Naomi stand.

  She didn’t take it and
said, “I am not going back with you. They are expecting someone to attempt a rescue. If that does not happen, they will know there is another plan. You go back, I will try to rescue him and avert suspicion.”

  “I’ll go with you. You are no match for a demon.”

  The room the secret door concealed was an elevator. LeOmi pushed the lowest button and the lift began moving down. It traveled down an overly long time before it stopped. The door did not open.

  * * *

  Lo Shon led Mark’s guards into a restaurant a block away from the herb shop. “This is the best place to eat in all Shanghai.”

  The receptionist bowed as he passed. There were many people dining there, but there were also several empty tables. He walked past them and entered a back room. This room was a private dining area and looked like it was meant for visiting dignitaries. He motioned for them to sit at the formal dining table. It was arranged to seat more than three dozen people.

  Before they had time to sit, a panel in the wall slid to the side and a server entered. He handed menus to the guards and asked Lo Shon, “What would you like, boss?”

  “Wonton, Buddha delight, fried dumpling, Japanese green tea and snow skin mooncake.”

  The server nodded and said, “I will return to take the orders of your friends.”

  “How are the preparations going?”

  “The boats are ready, police uniforms are almost ready and weapons are ready. The potion is still being made.”

  Lo Shon nodded. “Everything is on time then?”

  “We will be ready when you are ready.”

  He nodded again, “Very good. My friends are hungry.”

  The server nodded and left.

  Lo Shon sat and Samantha asked, “What kind of potion are you making?”

  “My soldiers are not Magi. They will need to see into the spirit world. It will allow them to do that for a short time.”

  “You said Xi Gong exists as something between flesh and spirit, what exactly does that mean?”

  “Jing-chi-shen, the three forces of life. The flesh is connected to the spirit through the soul. Jing, chi and shen are the energies that flow through the soul between flesh and spirit. When the soul is separated, it looks like flesh, but it is not. It retains some qualities of the spirit, like agelessness, immortality and indestructibility. It also retains some properties of flesh, like decay, desire and a need for self-preservation.