The Eleventh Scroll (Chronicles of a Magi) Read online

Page 11

  “Why indeed?” said the Sand Spider.

  Mark said, “You are not slaves. You can return if you like.”

  LeOmi held her arm out and said, “Grab on and I’ll take you back.”

  As soon as LeOmi left, the major produced a satellite phone and put it to his ear.

  “How... I’ll tell him.” He held the phone down and looked at Mark, “The Seventh Mountain is under aerial attack. They’ve asked that you stay clear until further notice. Some of their intelligence sources say they are trying to lure you and LeOmi out so they can capture you. Failing that, they have orders to destroy the citadel and as much of your army as they can.”

  “And they expect me to stand by and let it happen?”

  He put the phone back to his ear. “You’re right, he’s fired-up... Really? Let me tell him.

  “They called to tell you Chenoa is en-route with her team to bomb the firestone factory. They want to ask her to stand down so a team can go in and make a few firestones for our side unless you say otherwise. Go, no-go in two minutes.”

  “Bomb it.”

  “No recall, he says bomb it... Right, how long? I’ll be standing by.” He ended the call and said to Mark, “They’ve got a team deployed using Daniel’s Shield for protection of the citadel. Another team is standing by to follow the choppers back to their base. They’ll let us know where that base is as soon as they know.”

  “That base is their bait. They’ll be waiting for us there. Get them back on the line. Have Chenoa notified she has a second target: the tower construction site in Turkey.”

  LeOmi reappeared.

  “Brief her.” He sat down and entered Spirit Sight.

  Back at The Seventh Mountain, he spotted a couple dozen military helicopters with large, wing-like structures bristling with weapons. The craft focused mainly on attacking the citadel and its grounds. They were all painted camouflage brown without any markings.

  He went to the ground and picked up several fist-sized stones, then moved to where one helicopter was hovering and firing at the temporary classrooms. He threw one stone into its tail rotor, which caused the fan blades to break apart. The craft started spinning and going down.

  Another helicopter started moving toward the crippled one, circling it while flying sideways. When it came around close enough to him, he threw another rock, destroying its tail rotor too. It lurched backward before joining the other one in a downward spin.

  A voice behind him said, “I wondered when you’d show up.”

  He turned and saw Gerod’s spirit. “Couldn’t let you guys have all the fun.”

  “Well, if you’re worried about your troops, they’re all at The First Mountain. We had about ten minutes’ warning, more than enough time to get everyone out.”

  “Thanks, how about everybody else?”

  “Everyone is hunkered down, doing what they can to minimize the damage. Bottom line, most stuff can be repaired or replaced.”

  “I can see why it would be a good idea to have some firestones, but keeping them from having any is a better idea.”

  “You might be right on that. We have everything under control here. They’re expecting you to show up and take action before springing their next move. It might be best for you to not be here.”

  “They are expecting me to attack their base after they give us a bloody nose. I have something else in mind. I don’t think they’re going to like it.”

  “Chenoa destroying the tower site?”

  “That’s tit-for-tat. Do you have any idea where I can find Benrah?”

  “As far as we know, he hasn’t built a temple yet, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “Guess I’ll have to improvise. I’ll let you know when I’ve worked out a plan. See you later.”

  He returned to his body and opened his eyes. Everyone was sitting around him, waiting for him to return.

  “They have everything under control.” He noticed an unusual odor, somewhat musky; it reminded him of decaying plant material. “What’s that smell?”

  Everyone sniffed and LeOmi said, “I don’t smell anything unusual.”

  He took his oxy-mask out and put it on. “Something’s up.”

  The others followed his lead. A moment later a large group of people began running past them. Someone yelled, “Spiders!”

  The Sand Spider said, “Spiders here are not unusual, but this reaction is.”

  Mark entered Spirit Sight. So did the rest of his team and the Sand Spider. Without saying a word, they moved toward where everyone was running from. Oh yeah, there were spiders. There were so many, it looked like the ground was moving toward them. He recognized tarantulas, but there were many different kinds, all very large. They were coming in from all directions and very fast.

  He tried to pick up their thoughts. The only thing he perceived was an intense desire, an uncontrollable drive to get to wherever the smell was coming from so they could mate.

  He said, “Pheromones. Pei-Pei has to be here somewhere. Spread out and let’s find her.”

  LeOmi and his guards began searching.

  The Sand Spider followed him. “This Pei-Pei, who is she? Why is she attacking us?”

  “A Chinese sorcerer, she’s not hard to recognize. My bet is she’s after Naomi.”

  “Why would she be after Naomi?”

  “She thinks of her as a daughter and wants to keep her with her. My guess is she had a hand in choosing who Naomi was supposed to marry. She may even be here to kill Michelei.”

  “We must find them quickly. Michelei’s room is up there.” He pointed toward an upper level of nooks like perforations in the side of the mountain.

  He followed the Sand Spider and sure enough, Michelei was lying on his side with a dart in his neck. Naomi and Pei-Pei were engaged in a sword fight. He moved to Pei-Pei and struck the back of her sword hand with the pommel of his sword.

  Pei-Pei dropped her weapon and Naomi’s sword was instantly at her neck.

  Pei-Pei levitated and removed a bow staff from her back.

  Naomi levitated and engaged her.

  Pei-Pei went to swing and Mark grabbed the staff.

  Naomi’s sword was at Pei-Pei’s throat again.

  He let go of the staff and grabbed her feet, causing her to stop running.

  Pei-Pei fell to the floor. “What magic is this!” She looked around, her face repulsive with fear. “You control a demon!”

  The Sand Spider said, “I am impressed. Can I learn this, or is it a special ability?”

  “Special ability as far as I know; and I’d like to keep it secret.”

  “Your secret is safe.”

  Naomi remained above. “You have no claim on me and if my husband dies, so will you.”

  “Your husband! You are married? You will be a widow. I cannot stop the spiders.”

  Samantha’s spirit appeared in the opening to the room. She called over her shoulder, “Found them!”

  Mark said, “I’ve got my hands full. Remanifest up here and get Michelei out of here. Tell Naomi to get out too.”

  Instantly, Samantha’s body was there. “Naomi, get out of here.” She walked over to the body on the floor and began picking him up. “I’ve got Michelei.”

  The other guards appeared at the opening.

  Mark said, “I’ve got her feet so she can’t levitate. She thinks I’m a demon. Remanifest up here and take her into custody. Tell her if she resists I will kill her.”

  Their bodies appeared in the opening.

  Ray produced some zip-ties. “Fancy meeting you here. You might like to know there is a spirit preventing you from levitating. He will kill you if you resist me. Place your hands behind your back.”

  She didn’t move.

  Holding onto her legs with one hand, Mark used his sword to slice the top of her forearm.

  He didn’t think it possible, but her eyes got even bigger as she watched the wound open and the blood start to flow.

  Ray said, “I’m not joking.” />
  Her arms moved in a flash to behind her back.

  Ray bound her wrists together and then used a few more ties to make a short leash. “Can’t have you floating away.” He tugged the leash a little.

  Mark moved to the opening and remanifested there. “How’d you call the spiders?”

  She didn’t answer.

  He turned around, took out his staff and said, “I need to drive these spiders away.” Nothing happened.

  He spotted LeOmi’s body and shouted so she could hear him, “Let’s get on top of the bridge.” He pointed up. A moment later, her body disappeared.

  Ray said to Pei-Pei, “I can leave you here for the spiders or you can hold onto my hand like I’m the only chance you have to live, and that is a fact.” He placed his hand into hers and she grabbed it. “Move to the opening.”

  She did and everyone remanifested to the top of the bridge. They took their oxy-masks off and all around they could see what looked like wispy black clouds moving toward them. A couple of minutes later it was apparent the clouds were swarms of wasps. They began attacking the spiders below.

  The Sand Spider said, “Spider wasps, we should leave.”

  Mark said, “We don’t have to be afraid of the wasps.”

  The Sand Spider pointed over the edge of the bridge. A mass of spiders were climbing frantically up the side of the mountain toward them. “I do not think the spiders know that. They will hide anywhere they can.” He flapped his pant leg.

  He held his staff up and said, “We need rain to wash the spiders down.”

  Clouds began forming in what had been a cloudless sky. They built quickly to a roiling mass and a breeze began, steadily building. Sand began pelting them.

  The Sand Spider said, “We should seek shelter.”

  “What about your people?”

  “They have fled the spiders and are far away by now. They will relish a good rain; it so seldom happens.”

  The major asked, “Where’d Samantha go?”

  Mark looked around and didn’t see her. “She took Michelei to safety.” He looked at Rudy, “See if you can find her and tell her we’re leaving: First Mountain.”

  The Sand Spider asked, “May I accompany you? It has been more than a century since I have eaten at Omar’s Table.”

  “Certainly, you’re welcome. Let’s go.”

  * * *

  They appeared on the school grounds at the base of the stairs leading up to the main entrance.

  Ray said, “Pei-Pei didn’t come. I’m going back for her.”

  Mark said, “She’s probably fifty feet high by now and I don’t feel like chasing her. We can go after her once we eat. Give her some time to wear herself out.”

  A guard station was set up just inside the door. They checked in and went straight to Omar’s Table. Inside was crowded. A hush began falling over the crowd and he heard whispers of ‘General Young’ rippling through the sea of people.

  As things were getting back to the way they were, he saw a person in the back stand and wave an arm over his head. It was Nick. They walked over, but there was only one empty chair.

  Mark said, “Everyone this is the Sand Spider.”

  The Sand Spider said, “That is what they call me in Africa. My name is George Horowitz. Please call me George.”

  “Well, George, I’d like you to meet my captains.” He introduced them and then said. “Joel O’Ham goes by the name of Cap’n Ben and James Young is my older brother. They are in charge of figuring out how to hide two billion refugees from Benrah when the time comes. I’d like you to talk with them about being a part of that plan.” He motioned to the chair and handed Nick his signet. “Your meal here is on me.”

  “How long do we have to plan this?”

  “Less than three years.”

  George nodded, “I believe we can do that.”

  “Great.” He motioned to the chair again and George sat down.

  He looked at Ricky. “Do we have any idea why The Seventh Mountain is under an aerial attack?”

  “They haven’t been able to reassemble a thrall casting team yet. It seems almost all of their veteran casters met a premature death. The helicopters are the best they can do at the moment.”

  He smiled. “It might be a good idea to start looking for where they are training the new ones. What do you think would be a good incentive and reward for the one that finds it?”

  “A medal and public recognition would do it for me, for others, a promotion would be nice, too, I think.”

  “Salina, get the word out that we want to find it: promotion, medal and banquet for the one that discovers it.”

  “Right away.” She pulled out a computer tablet, typed something on the screen, tapped the screen and smiled. “Done.”

  “Thanks. Unless anyone has anything else, we’re going to find a table.”

  No one said anything. They turned and saw Rudy and Samantha standing near the door, looking around. He waved at them and spotted a large table nearby being cleared.

  When everyone was seated and had ordered, Samantha said, “Naomi is taking Michelei back to her village. She says if Pei-Pei returns, she’ll reveal her secrets. If that happens, the village will stone her.”

  Mark said, “How did Pei-Pei get there so quickly? Those villages are at least three hundred miles apart and she can’t remanifest.”

  She shrugged, “She can fly.”

  “Yeah, but it takes as much energy as running. She couldn’t run that far that fast.”

  Ray said, “She probably intended to kill the boy before they could be reunited. If it were me, I’d levitate up and use a birdman suit. It would take many hops, but it could be done in about eight hours, maybe less. She’s a runner, so it would be like running a couple of miles and then resting before taking the next two-mile run. Each rest, while she’s gliding, would put her ten or so miles closer to her target, depending on the suit design and winds. If she could catch a good tailwind, it would take much less time.”

  “That sounds plausible, mystery busted. That means Pei-Pei could make it back long before Naomi does. I was considering not going back into that soap opera since George believes creating the refugee camps is possible, but I gave my word that I’d put Naomi some place safe. If she’s going back to the village, I need to go back and neutralize Pei-Pei’s influence.”

  LeOmi said, “If you don’t mind, I’d like to tag along.”

  They were on their way back out after eating when Chenoa and her flight team appeared at the base of the steps. They were all still in their flight suits.

  “Hey, how’d the raids go?”

  One of her team members said, “One for two. The tower site is shielded.”

  Chenoa said, “Direct hits on the firestone site. The tower site is going to take something that can get under their shield.”

  He figured they had to be using Daniel’s Shield. Taking out the casters would be one option, using his staff to create adverse weather would be another option. He wondered if the staff did have all the powers of Moses’ staff. He took it out and tossed it down on the steps expecting it might turn into a snake. It didn’t.

  Chenoa said, “That was weird.”

  “I was thinking about what Mr. Rutherford said about the staffs and thinking it would be effective to afflict the workers at the tower site with boils or something, get rumors going about the site being dangerous, that sort of thing. It looks like I’ll have to take a different approach; snow might work to slow them down.”

  “Not as long as they’ve got that shield up.”

  Ms. Vanmie appeared, “Good, you’re here.” She produced a package, trotted up the steps, handed it to him and whispered, “Three more.”

  He whispered back, “Thanks.”

  He looked back at Chenoa, “Good job guys. I don’t mean to be rude, but we need to go.”

  * * *

  She was leaning over the unconscious boy that loved her. Everything had happened so fast. She thought she returned this boy’s
love, but she hadn’t had time enough to think about it. Was it as simple as the Sand Spider had said? Could it possibly be as uncomplicated as that? Michelei was sure; she knew that, but how could she be sure?

  She had trusted Pei-Pei for as long as she could remember, even loved her as a mother, but Pei-Pei had done this to this boy, someone she cared about enough to want to get to know him more. Pei-Pei had no regard for her feelings. It was a betrayal, plain and simple. Pei-Pei was actually going to leave him for the spiders to eat.

  A voice behind her said, “There you are.”

  She turned and saw it was that old man with the big nose that Mark had as one of his guards and the girl guard.

  “Mark and the others left for The First Mountain. He said to meet them there.”

  Samantha said, “You might want to rethink staying here. Pei-Pei is in custody, but there’s no telling how long that will last.”

  She knew this woman was right. Pei-Pei would take any opportunity to escape and then she would be searching for them.

  “Before you leave, could I ask you to find us a horse?”

  The woman and the old man disappeared.

  In her studies of the manuscript, there was no mention of this ability to disappear and reappear somewhere else. It was magic she didn’t know and something she knew she’d like to learn. Being able to do that would be very useful.

  They returned a few minutes later, each riding a horse.

  She rode up and said, “Let me help you get him up.”

  After Michelei was lying across the back of the horse she said, “I can take you back to near your village if you like or to Addis Ababa?”

  “Take us near our village, to the north. I know the mountains there and it will be hard for Pei-Pei to find us there.”

  Samantha flipped up onto the unburdened horse and held her hand down to help Naomi up. Rudy mounted the other horse behind Michelei.

  * * *

  Naomi found this cave when she was twelve. It was wide and deep, providing a cool respite from the midday sun. There was enough brush nearby to fuel a small cooking fire and a pond near the peak had water every time she’d checked. It was a good place to hide primarily because she’d never told Pei-Pei about it.