The Eleventh Scroll (Chronicles of a Magi) Read online

Page 12

  Michelei was still unconscious which meant Pei-Pei had used the stronger of the two knockout potions she often made. Michelei wouldn’t wake up until after sunset. She busied herself setting snares to catch something for a meal and gathering brush to build a fire. She was just heading back when she noticed riders in the distance, two of them from what she could tell. Were they looking for her or just passing this way?

  * * *

  Mark and his team arrived back in the Nazarite village. They went straight through the dining hall and into the antechamber.

  Mark said, “I need to see Elimelech for a few minutes.”

  Their sudden entrance startled the guards. They jumped up from their mancala game ready to fight for a brief moment.

  The one on the left said, “You left. Why are you back?”

  “Naomi is no longer with me and I need to tell him her situation.”

  He pulled the drape back and called, “Mark Young has news of Naomi.”

  Elimelech’s voice said, “Let him in.”

  They entered, walked up before the throne and Mark said, “Naomi is no longer with me. We took her to see Michelei at the Sand Spider’s camp. When they saw each other, they proclaimed their undying love for each other and were married.”

  Elimelech’s eyes got big and he smiled. “I had hoped that one day it would be so.”

  “All is not well. Pei-Pei attacked. We believe her intent was to kill Michelei. She didn’t succeed. Naomi has fled with her husband.”

  “This is not good.” Elimelech’s face went from happy to grave.

  Samantha said, “Naomi did not want to come back to the village. I took them to a cave about one hundred miles north of here. They’re safe for now.”

  Ray added, “Pei-Pei did escape and I’m pretty sure she will be hunting Michelei.”

  “We will get riders out immediately.”

  Mark produced a replica sword. “If your offer is still open, this is a replacement for the one that was stolen. That one was destroyed.”

  “I will hide it. If Pei-Pei hears of it, she may come for it and we will be prepared. Please join me for a meal and tell me more of Naomi’s new husband.”

  A couple of hours later, they were back outside, the major produced his satellite phone and answered it. “Hello.” He listened and looked at Mark.

  “That was an automated message that calls every five minutes. It started about half an hour ago and we were underground so the signal couldn’t reach the phone. The mountain is being attacked again. They need us back there.”

  Mark said, “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  They remanifested to the steps of the citadel. The smell of the spilled blood on the porch was strong, so was the smell of burning plastic. Immediately he had a headache.

  Beside him, LeOmi bent and turned, coming to rest pointing at the citadel door. Without a word, she sprinted inside and down the hall.

  Mark’s headache indicated he was needed inside too and he followed.

  Blood on the floor had gelled in pools, a cup here, a pint there. There had obviously been some serious bleeding going on.

  Behind the receptionist’s desk was a girl’s body on the floor curled up in the fetal position, sword in hand. She was still breathing and bleeding from a chest wound. He touched a drop of healing oil to her forehead and used her blood to mark her cheek with an ‘X’ indicating she had been given healing oil.

  He moved down the hall and saw LeOmi in the first room to the left treating two causalities. The room to the right was empty. The next room to the right had a boy lying on the floor. He treated him and moved on.

  They worked like this for the next half an hour while his guards worked at remanifesting the wounded to the healing ward. It was very odd that no one else was there helping them. Maybe most people were still at The First Mountain.

  Mark and LeOmi entered the last room together.

  Mark said, “Seven dead, twenty-three rescued.”

  LeOmi said, “Eight dead, nineteen rescued.”

  “Did you recognize any of them?”

  “Not a one.”

  “Me neither.”

  The major walked into the room. “None here?”

  Mark shook his head, “Any idea what happened?”

  “The First Mountain is under attack. That’s why there’s almost nobody here. There are only two nurses on duty in the healing ward. It looks like someone used this opportunity to look for something specific.”

  Mark said, “They know the computer stuff will self-destruct if they take it. What could they have been after? There’s nothing here that’s worth this amount of effort or risk. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “They must have thought it important enough. One of the tactics we used, a lesser version of Donovan’s Ploy, more often than not, was to create a major offensive in one area to draw troops away from our true objective. An elite team would then go in virtually unopposed. That tactic worked well in hostage rescue missions. There’s not much difference in kidnapping missions.”

  “That makes sense. Spirit Sight, let’s split up and find my captains. Meet back here. They were probably after Jamal because of his staff, but it could have been any of them.”

  They sat on the floor and entered Spirit Sight.

  The battle at The First Mountain was over and the wounded were being sought out, treated and transported. There were many casualties on both sides and he couldn’t find his captains anywhere, not among the living or the dead.

  When he opened his eyes, the others were already back. “Any luck?”

  They all shook their heads solemnly.

  “All right, that was probably their target. I’m remanifesting to The First Mountain to find out exactly what happened.”

  They all got up and followed him outside.

  * * *

  On the balcony to the healing ward at The First Mountain, he used his communicator ring to call Chenoa, Nick and Jamal. No answer.

  Inside, High Elder Grob was at the entrance to the healing ward. He was standing ramrod straight and appeared to be in a trance. Mark leaned against the wall, entered Spirit Sight and waited in a line of people’s spirits making their reports, receiving instruction and leaving before it was his turn to speak.

  “Sir, I’m looking for my captains.”

  “I am not sure where they are. I do not think they were here when the attack happened.”

  “How about any of the Council of Elders of The Seventh Mountain?”

  “Diefenderfer and Young were engaged in battle here. I’m sure they are helping somewhere. You need to look for them if you wish to find them.”

  Though Diefenderfer and Young were technically not members of the Council of Elders any longer, they were still thought of as such. “We have looked, sir. I think they are missing along with my captains.”

  “Your Elders are capable of taking care of themselves. I am sure there is nothing of concern.”

  Mark turned to leave and said, “Thank you, sir.”

  On the healing ward balcony, he asked, “Who made the call?”

  “Salina. She has the equipment in her office just for situations like this.”

  “Okay, let’s find her.”

  He moved to a section of the balcony so they’d be out of the way and sat down. The others followed his lead.

  A few minutes later, he found her and Ricky Barns in the council chambers of The Seventh Mountain. Mr. Thorp was leading the discussion.

  “When our people start to return, I want them posted in Magi City. Two attacks in one day presages a third. Magi City is the place they haven’t attacked... yet.” He looked at Ricky. “That includes Mark’s little army.”

  “Mr. Thorp, sir, Chenoa, James and Jamal were abducted. I saw it happen myself. The other captains are missing as well. So are Mrs. Shadowitz and a few other council members. Every effort should be made to rescue them. Standing guard in Magi City is a complete waste of resources. I will be instructing General Young’s army in
that regard until he returns.”

  “Well, we’ll see about that.”

  He turned his attention away from Ricky. “I’m expecting to get reports at any time now regarding where they are being held. Any rescue attempt will be based on the information in those reports.”

  Mark returned to his body and opened his eyes. The others weren’t back yet. He wrote a note telling them where he’d found her, placed it under the major’s boot so it wouldn’t blow away before remanifesting to the balcony outside of the council chambers.

  The door was locked so he reached in using Spirit Sight and unlocked it. When he stepped in, he saw two Magi taking Ricky into custody.

  “You can release him.”

  Mr. Thorp said to the guards, “You have your orders.”

  “Harmonious, your judgment is questionable. You left wounded, bleeding and dying where they fell so you could have your little meeting here. So let me clarify your perception. If those guards pass through that door with my aide, you will face me in single combat this very moment. I promise you, I will not be kind.”

  “First, you will address me as Mr. Thorp. Second, you have no authority to give orders here. Third, let me clarify your perception. Since Mrs. Shadowitz is missing, her duties and responsibilities fall to me. Fourth, your threat will be the subject of a trial to be convened in the near future. Do you have anything to say now?”

  He produced his sword. “Mr. Thorp, it seems we are at an impasse.”

  He looked at Salina, “Put Ricky in for a commendation.”

  “Yes sir, my pleasure.”

  He turned back to Mr. Thorp. “Are you going to release my aide or are we going to dance?”

  LeOmi and his guards entered from the balcony.

  Mr. Thorp’s countenance changed from confidence to trepidation. He motioned to the guards, “Release him.” He said to Mark, “You haven’t heard the last of this.”

  “I expect not, but neither have you. Just so you’re clear on this; you will not give orders to my people without going through me. In my absence, you will go through my captains or, in their absence, my aide. As of this moment, I’m issuing a standing order that your orders not related to class-work are to be disregarded. See you in court.”

  He turned to walk to the balcony. “Let’s go.”

  Once on the balcony he asked, “Anyone have a preference where we go to talk about this?”

  LeOmi said, “Everything is so messed up. My choice would be under the olive tree.”

  “Under the olive tree it is.”

  LeOmi stepped up onto one of the gnarled roots and ran her hand along the lowest branch. “This brings back memories. When I first came here, I was so alone, so angry, so untrusting. Now, I belong. I have purpose. I have friends I love and trust. Benrah has just snatched a lot of that away. What are we going to do about it?”

  Mark looked at her quizzically. “We’re going to snatch it back.”

  He walked over to his aide. “Ricky, I want you to find out where they’re being held. Use whatever resources you need.”

  “Salina, I want to know where Benrah’s temple is. If you can’t locate it, give me your best guesses.”

  Samantha said, “From what I remember reading about his father, and if he’s anything like him, he’ll choose the highest spot he can use, probably on the north side.”

  Mark said, “Mount Everest or that building in Dubai, the tallest one in the world. Start there.”

  LeOmi said, “I’m going with you when you confront him.”

  “I wouldn’t expect otherwise.”

  The major said, “I doubt there is much we can do to protect you when you go, but count us in on that.”

  Mark said, “You might want to rethink that. I don’t think there is much I can do to protect you, and you’d be an easy target for him.”

  All four guards said, “I’m going.”

  “In the meantime, they are going to try to let us know where they are. Nick will probably try to use some type of electronics. Samantha, I’m putting you in charge of that. Jamal and Chenoa will probably try to get a note out. LeOmi, you’re in charge of that. James and Cap’n Ben will likely try to muscle their way out. Ray, you’ve got that. The elders will likely use Spirit Sight if they can, unless Mr. Diefenderfer and Mr. Young are in a position to create thralls, which will be interesting if it happens. I’ll focus on that.”

  He sat down on a large root. “Pick key locations to station teams of four: two girls and two boys on a team. Each team should have an electronics specialist and they should look like couples so they won’t attract attention. Have them focus on odd stories of goings-on in their areas. Brief them on what they are doing and what they are up against. Equip them with whatever they need and have their team leaders report in every night. Rudy, you and the major help out wherever you can.

  “I think that about covers it. Anyone have anything to add?”

  Rudy said, “A prisoner swap might be an option.”

  “What, Benrah doing a prisoner swap? I’ll ask him when I see him, but don’t get your hopes up.”

  Chapter 5

  “Cursed be the ground for our sake. For Thorns and Thistles, it shall bring forth, for us. For out of the ground we were taken... And to dust we shall return... The path to dust does not matter. The end is the same. What matters are the memories and emotions of those that remain.”

  Mr. Thorp motioned with his arm at the bodies laid about on the grass of the cemetery. “These fallen Neo-Phylum, thirty-seven humans that chose of their own free will to stand against the love of God and against charity, hope and faith... all for self gain... Thorns and Thistles... will not be buried here. Their names will not be recorded, neither their deeds. Though they gain the world, their spirits starve and their bodies are given to the vultures of the air. This is the fate they chose, pity them not.”

  He stepped off the platform and remanifested away.

  Salina appeared beside Mark holding a thick black leather book. “You need to see this.” She held it out to him and opened to the last page that had been written on.

  It was a pencil drawing of a mountain range with an arrow pointing to the third peak to the left and an ‘X’ about a third of the way down. Under the drawing was a single word: Ifrit.

  “What is this?”

  She turned to the first page and showed him. “It’s Jamal’s journal for his staff, what it shows him and the results.” She flipped a couple of pages to show him.

  “What’s an ifrit?”

  She shrugged, “No clue, but Jamal is supposed to go to it.”

  A nearby student said, “Sorry, I couldn’t help overhearing. It’s from Persian mythology. It’s supposed to be a fire elemental, the highest form of jinn.”

  “Thanks.” He held his hand out to shake. “I’m Mark Young.”

  “Tony Jenkins, sir. I know who you are; I’m one of your recruits. I just didn’t want to wear a uniform to this funeral.”

  “I don’t blame you. Jinn, as in genie?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Is there any way to defeat them?”

  “Well, it’s an elemental. You have to use one or two of the basic elements. Wind and wood strengthen it, earth traps it, water weakens it and enough can cool it enough to solidify. Legend says King Solomon used his signet to enslave some of them.” He pointed at LeOmi’s hand. “If I’m not mistaken, that’s Solomon’s signet, the real one, not the fake one portrayed in Solomon’s Testament. Do you know how to use it?”

  She shook her head.

  “On the pentagram, select a point and touch it. You can use a stylus. Move counterclockwise skipping the next intersection and touch the next one. Continue counterclockwise touching nine intersections total. Then speak aloud, ‘By the command of God, you are my slave.’ The language you use doesn’t matter. Then touch the last intersection to complete the capture. Do the same thing clockwise to release the creature; only don’t touch the final intersection.”

  Mark asked, “H
ow do you know so much about this stuff?”

  “I love mythology. That’s what I took for my electives.”

  “Know anything about Chinese sorcerers?”

  “I know Chinese mythology and their theories of magic.”

  “Care to have dinner with me? I’d like to pick your brain a little.”

  “I’d be honored sir.”

  “Officer’s mess, seven o’clock, wear your uniform.”

  * * *

  Recruit Jenkins was waiting in the hall by the officer’s mess when Mark arrived.

  “Good evening sir.”

  “You can dispense with the sir in informal setting. Call me Mark and I’ll call you friend, Tony.”

  Tony grinned, “My pleasure s...” His grin turned a little sheepish. “It might take a little while for me to get used to that.”

  Samantha opened the door and they entered.

  Ricky and Salina were already there waiting.

  As they sat, Salina said, “We suspect Dubai, but we can’t confirm that yet. If that’s it, he’s never there.”

  Tony started studying the menu.

  Mark said, “I’ll check it out after dinner.”

  Ricky said, “Teams are being deployed. It’s going to be a few days before they’re all in place. They’ll be reporting in to the emergency standby team.”

  “Mr. Thorp agreed to that?”

  “He actually thought it was a good idea. I think he wants to keep tabs on us.”

  When the waiter approached, Mark said to Tony, “This is my treat. Get what you want.”

  He grinned again, “T-bone, elk, medium, flatbread, mixed vegetables, huckleberry pie and unsweetened iced tea.”

  Mark said, “Elk T-bone, that’s a bit unusual.”

  “I vacationed in Montana once and loved it.”

  He said to the waiter, “I’ll have the same.”

  When the waiter left, he said, “I’ve been up against a Chinese sorceress. She’s rather annoying, but no real threat to us. However, she is a threat to a village in Ethiopia and to the granddaughter of their chief.”

  “Let me guess. This sorceress uses powders and potions, is a thief and has adopted the granddaughter as an apprentice.”